Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Doc Appointment

Well doc appointment went ok today not as good as what we wanted. instead of going below 140 in sugar I went way high like 158. and instead of going up on iron I went lower then 12.0 try a 11.1. so next wednesday I get to go into the doctor and have the 3 hour test that I have to fast for 12 hours yeah for me spending that much time in the office. When I could be doing something else. they told me to bring plenty to do like a good book or something to do in the mean time. knowing me I will either sleep because I will be so sick or reading a good book. but other then that baby sister is fine doing great and other then the sugar and iron I am doing fine too. gaining weight like crazy but normal crazy. I was looking at it I have gained 25 pounds so far from week 10 to now (30).

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