Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Well Yesturday I had a check up appointment. Every thing is going good with Baby Sis. It is just Mom who needs some taking care of. The doc told me I was low in Iron, and my sugar was elevated. So I get retested in a month to see what it is going to do. I am not to worried about it. The doc just put me on a Iron pill and told me to lay off the Carbs. So it has been a wonderful time trying to figure out how much exactly I need to take in and how much I can't take in of Carbs. Well I guess I will find out sooner or later. My next appointment is on the 11th of Nov. We are going every two weeks now wich is ok I guess. Other then that every thing is fine. We havnt had any problems with high blood presure yet. I am crossing my fingers and hoping that it will stay that way for a while.

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